Monday, November 22, 2010

The Grace of God by Andy Stanley Book Review

From the Publisher:
“Grace. It’s what we crave most when our guilt is exposed. It’s the very thing we are hesitant to extend when we are confronted with the guilt of others—especially when their guilt has robbed us of something we consider valuable.
Therein is the struggle, the struggle for grace. It’s this struggle that makes grace more story than doctrine. It’s the struggle that reminds us that grace is bigger than compassion or forgiveness. That struggle is the context for both. When we are on the receiving end, grace is refreshing. When it is required of us, it is often disturbing. But when correctly applied, it seems to solve just about everything. This struggle is not new; it has been going on since the beginning.”
—Andy Stanley

We find in the pages of Scripture that the stories found there often mirror our own stories, and that we too need the very thing we do not deserve: the grace of God.
From the beginning, the church has had an uneasy relationship with grace. The gravitational pull is always toward graceless religion. The odd thing is that when you read the New Testament, the only thing Jesus stood against consistently was graceless religion. The only group he attacked relentlessly was graceless religious leaders.
Even now as you think about grace, there might be a little voice in your head whispering, “It can’t be that easy!”
“What about obedience?”
“What about disobedience?”
“What about repeated misbehavior?”
“What about bad habits?”
“What about justice?”
“What about repentance?”

It’s this tension that makes grace so slippery. But that’s the beauty and the truth of grace. We don’t deserve it. We can’t earn it. It can’t be qualified. But God gives it to us anyway because he loves us unconditionally.

The story of grace is your story. And as you are about to discover grace plays a larger role than you imagine.

My Thoughts:
I enjoyed this book. It is one of those books I plan to keep on my bookshelf and re-read my times. I appreciated the use of Bold throughout the book to highlight a few of the key points. It was a challenging read as we often need to be reminded that it is because of God's Grace and not our own efforts. With many references to the Bible, it gives you an opportunity to further into the characters discussed in each chapters.
I would definitely recommend this book to anyone wanting to learn more about God's Grace.

"Grace is the vehicle God uses on occasion to ensure that we get precisely what we don't deserve."

"Book has been provided courtesy of Thomas Nelson and Graf-Martin Communications, IncAvailable October 2010 at your favourite bookseller. 

Have a New You by Friday Review

Have a New You by Friday: How to Accept Yourself, Boost Your Confidence & Change Your Life in 5 Days

By: Dr. Kevin Leman
Publishers Synopsis: 
You can change your life--in just 5 days!
How many times have you tried to change your own habits, only to find that changing yourself is even harder than trying to change someone else?
Now, what the bestselling Have a New Kid by Friday has done for families and Have a New Husband by Friday has done for couples, Have a New You by Friday will do for you. With his signature wit and commonsense psychology, Dr. Kevin Leman walks you through your own personal five-day action plan. You will come to
  • Accept the truth about yourself
  • Boost your confidence by identifying the lies you're telling yourself . . . and putting them to rest for good
  • Change your life by concentrating on becoming who you really want to be
My Thoughts:
Feeling a bit down? Feeling a bit stuck? Feeling like you need to change? Check out Kevin Leman's newest book. While most of the book had sentiments similar to "you can do it, make the most of what you have, work in your strengths" type thoughts. I did find it an easy to read, well laid out book. Each day (chapter) has a summary of what you should "do" or apply as well as a following section on going deeper into the specified content ("for the curious").

So it was an enjoyable read, "give yourself a break and lighten up", pick up Have a New You by Friday today.

Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

City on Our Knees Review

City on Our Knees

By: TobyMac

Publishers Synopsis:
When we step across the line we can sail across the sea

Amazing, beautiful things happen when people have the courage to live, work, and pray in the spirit of unity and peace. Often, though, to make these amazing things happen, we have to step out of our comfort zone and into a world we find uncomfortable or intimidating. Sometimes that world is physical; other times it can be emotional, relational, or spiritual.

City on Our Knees shows this, encouraging you to take the first step. It offers stories of people who have stepped across lines. Lines of discrimination, persecution, doubt, prejudice, pride, bitterness, self-isolation, and despair. I pray and hope that you will be inspired to see how just one person, or one small group, can be a mechanism for change. 
God can use us right here. Right now. All we need is faith that He has our best in mind. And believe me—He does.


My Thoughts:

At first glance, this book would be a perfect for Christmas present for your favourite high school student in your life. Picking up the book, flipping through the pages you see it is filled with short stories of past and present people who have stood up and made a difference, photos, and inspirational quotes.

Based on his song "City on our Knees", Toby Mac's book draws you in and challenges you to take a step out of your comfort zone and allow God to use you where you are at.

Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Permission to Speak Freely Review

Permission to Speak Freely: Essays and Art on Fear, Confession, and Grace
By Anne Jackson

Publishers Synopsis:
In May 2008, Anne Jackson asked a question on her blog, “What is one thing you feel you can’t say in church?”

Hundreds responded. Everyone had a story.

Permission to Speak Freely is the unique new project and movement of author Anne Jackson, who is finished with keeping brokenness in the dark. Bringing to light the original intent of God’s sanctuary as a place of help and healing, Anne reveals that through confession, both to God and to others, we can live lives that are whole and healed.

Told with disarming transparency, Anne shares what led to her own addictions and the ensuing lifestyle that left her wounded and withdrawn, but ultimately rescued and redeemed. She includes dramatic stories of others who also learned to abandon their fear, pride, and masks; to identify their hurts; and to find the courage to speak freely.

Their confessions, submitted as mixed media pieces, photography, and sketches, were collected from people across the world, and are included throughout the book. Readers will share in the opportunity to find their own path to redemption and freedom.
My Thoughts:
First picking up this book, I instantly flipped thru it and was drawn to read the confessions/art work post cards sent in by readers of her blog. I quickly found a couple that I identified with. I knew this was a book I ought to read. After flipping thru the book I was instantly reminded of Frank Warren's "Post Secret" Project which I loved. I enjoyed Anne Jackson's book as sort of a Christian Answer to "Post Secret."  The church talks about being "real" but some of the topics of the postcards or parts of Anne's story were ones I'd never heard of in the church much less much outside of the church. The author's raw honesty drew me into her story.

Book has been provided courtesy of Thomas-Nelson and Graf-Martin Communications Inc. Available now at your favourite bookseller. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Boy Who Changed the World Review

The Boy Who Changed the World
Written by: Andy Andrews
Illustrated by: Philip Hurst

Book Description:
Did you know that what you do today can change the world forever?

The Boy Who Changed the World opens with a young Norman Borlaug playing in his family’s cornfields with his sisters. One day, Norman would grow up and use his knowledge of agriculture to save the lives of two billion people. Two billion! Norman changed the world! Or was it Henry Wallace who changed the world? Or maybe it was George Washington Carver?

This engaging story reveals the incredible truth that everything we do matters! Based on The Butterfly Effect, Andy’s timeless tale shows children that even the smallest of our actions can affect all of humanity. The book is beautifully illustrated and shares the stories of Nobel Laureate Norman Borlaug, Vice President Henry Wallace, Inventor George Washington Carver, and Farmer Moses Carver. Through the stories of each, a different butterfly will appear. The book will end with a flourish of butterflies and a charge to the child that they, too, can be the boy or girl who changes the world.

My Thoughts:
This book is an instant kid favourite. From the life-like artistic drawings to the simple story that is told. The bright colourful pages draw children in and the story will help keep you there. I feel this is a story every child (adult too) needs to hear at least once in their life. So go ahead and check out this new Children's book from Andy Andrews about a little boy who may have changed more of the world than he ever intended too. (I know my life has had a positive effect from reading this book.)
A thought for all, Remember God made you to make a difference. And I believe you will!

Booksneeze has provided me with a complimentary advanced reading copy of this book. Now available at your favourite booksetller.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Reluctant Entertainer Review

Reluctant Entertainer, The: Every Woman's Guide to Simple and Gracious Hospitality Author: Sandy Coughlin

Publisher's Synopsis: 
Real Entertaining for Real People
True hospitality is not about being perfect, cooking a fancy meal, or spending a lot of money. Rather, it's about an open door and an open heart. Popular blogger Sandy Coughlin offers a simple but savvy approach to help women break free of the anxieties that keep them from opening their homes. Emphasizing the forgotten goal of entertaining--connecting deeply with others--she shows how women can use the gifts and talents God gave them to reach out in love.

My Thoughts: 
The Reluctant Entertainer. That was me until I bought my first house. Then I chose to invite friends over almost weekly, well the reasons were primarily selfish. I'd rather have people at my house than go to a house where there may be a potential allergy problem with their cats or dogs and it was cheaper than going to a restaurant. I'd always warn this group of people I called friends, my house isn't "clean" sure it was "tidy" but not clean. I usually had people over the day before I planned to clean that week. When they arrived, they asked me really? "This is what you call dirty?" I still felt the need to express a reason for the condition of the house upon their arrival. I suppose I didn't want them to see "how I really lived" though it was nothing to be ashamed of. The Reluctant Entertainer reminded me that "true hospitality is not about being perfect" but rather about "an open door and an open heart." The people, the relationships, the conversations, the times shared were far more important than perfectionism. Included in The Reluctant Entertainer, are some recipes that I can't wait to try (as soon as I gain the courage to cook for others - it may just be this weekend I give it a try). The Strawberry Bread sounds like a yummy summer treat. Need some entertaining inspiration or courage, check out The Reluctant Entertainer full of ideas, thrifty tips, heartwarming encouragement and some great recipes.

Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communication Inc. Available now at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Outlive Your Life Review - Book by Max Lucado

Outlive Your Life : You Were Made to Make A Difference
By Max Lucado

Publisher's Synopsis:

These are difficult days in our world's history. 1.75 billion people are desperately poor, natural disasters are gouging entire nations, and economic uncertainty still reigns across the globe. But you and I have been given an opportunity to make a big difference. What if we did? What if we rocked the world with hope? Infiltrated all corners with God's love and life? We are created by a great God to do great works. He invites us to outlive our lives, not just in heaven, but here on earth. Let's live our lives in such a way that the world will be glad we did.

My Thoughts:
I love the fact that for the past two years, I've taken the opportunity to read one of Max Lucado's books. Last year he released "Fearless" a great read. This year it was his upcoming release "Outlive Your Life"

As you read this book, Max Lucado walks you through the first 12 Chapters of the Book of Acts.  Each chapter begins with a scripture verse and ends with a prayer. A prayer which I'm sure is an attempt to motivate each of us to action to apply what we just read about. Having finished the book, I'm still reminded of the person introduced to us who's story was featured in chapter 10, Dadhi. The statement Max made regarding how it takes "Dadhi an entire year to earn what he may spend on a sports coat," stayed with me through the entire book. I figured out my weekday coffee is most likely more than many in developing nations earn annually, a little scary. The Discussion and Action Guide included at the end of this book make it a great candidate for a small group study. Overall I really enjoyed this book.

Still not sure if this book if for you? Consider that 100% of all author royalties from the sale of all the Outlive Your Life products will be donated to two charities: World Vision & the James 1:27 Foundation - to benefit children and single mothers. Go ahead help pick up a copy the proceeds are going to good causes and you'll get to read a great book.

Book has been provided courtesy of Thomas Nelson and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available September 2010 at your favourite bookseller.

My Outlive Your Life Story
After reading Max Lucado's book, "Outlive Your Life", it challenged me to think about what my story would be. What's my contribution that would outlive my life? It reminded me of many stories of how other people have impacted my life, but it felt hard to determine of what my story would be. Although I knew my story didn't have to be that big event or huge thing, but that something little could be of great impact. Well, my story began with reading about Dadhi in Chapter 10. I've mentioned this person in my review as his story really made me think. It prompted me to write my outlive your life story. Since reading about his story I'd committed to taking the money I'd spend on a morning cup of coffee and contributing it to a local charity. So each day, my $1.52 goes into a little piggy bank soon to be given away. I know it sounds silly, I know many have done something like this before, but it is something that I can do each day that will make an unknown difference in someones life.  I'm sure there are many more stories I could write here, but I was wondering, what's your story?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Friendship for Grown-Ups: What I Missed and Learned Along the Way Review

Book by: Lisa Whelchel 

Publisher's Synopsis:

Former Facts of Life star Lisa Whelchel shares her experiences of growing up without true friends and how she learned to find and develop them as an adult through God's grace.

Not many people can say they lived their most crucial developmental years on the sound stage of a wildly popular TV show. But that's exactly what happened in Lisa Whelchel's life. As a child, she learned to guard her heart so tightly to avoid true hurt that she found herself unable to form lasting friendships as an adult.
Friendship for Grown-Ups details her experiences of learning to come out of her shell, to trust, risk, and become vulnerable by God's grace and find meaningful friendships. Readers encounter her captivating story and refreshing perspective on life's most precious gift—and they find practical tips for their own friendships along the way. 

My Thoughts:

I remember watching the Facts of Life as a kid, having recently moved to a new city where I knew no one, I thought this book would be interesting. While reading this book, I was looking for advice/reminders on how to make friends (again). It's not as easy make friends as an adult as it was as a child. While making acquaintances was quick, making friends - good friends whom you know will be there for you involves more time and effort. In our fast paced society, we want things now. Where is the drive thru window for a Friend? -- If you find it, let me know.
I found it interesting to read about a TV Star from my childhood. While some of the situations she faced seemed disconnected from my "normal" childhood. I was able to find a number of helpful advice/tidbits to learn from her. Sections of this book challenged me to open up to those in my life.  I appreciated the discussion guide, a “Practical Steps for Developing and Growing Friendships” guide, and conversation prompts included at the end of the book. Beyond how was your day, what do you do for work/school, my small talk was limited. The conversation prompts have helped further build a few relationships with friends.
Thanks to Thomas Nelson who provided me with a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest thoughts, opinions of this book.

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Bishop by Steven James - a Review

Publishers synopsis

This time, a congressman’s daughter is found dead—as her killers launch a spree of perfect murders in the Washington DC metro area. With nothing to link the crimes together, FBI special agent Patrick Bowers’ skills are pushed to the limit. Using his impeccable logic and innovative investigation techniques, Bowers is in a race against time to find the killers before they strike again, even as his personal life becomes more complicated than ever.

Although this is book 4 in The Bowers Files series, this book can be read as a stand-alone. Steven James’ masterful writing and mind-bending twists will have you on the edge of your seat!

My thoughts:
I knew what I was getting into when I picked up this book. Last summer, a friend had the first book in the series with her on a camping trip. She shared a portion of the book with us, due to the graphic nature, we begged her to stop. While this book is very graphic, the suspenseful nature grabs you and holds your attention to the point where you dont want to put it down. It definitely is not a book for those with a weak stomach. It's strong characters lend to an entertaining and enticing read. I can't wait to hit the bookstore to check out the previous 3 books in the series, and I am anticipating the release of The Queen next summer.

A definite recommended read if you like suspense, thriller type books.

Thank you Revell for providing this book complimentary to me in return for my honest review.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Bishop by Steven James Review coming soon...

The Bishop by Steven James Review coming soon...
Facebook Party details: Meet Steven James and win great prizes!

Click here to join the Facebook Party on Wednesday, August 4th from 7-9 pm EST.

Steven James Launch Party!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

What Happened to My Life?: Finding New Passion, Purpose, and Joy

Author: Danna Demetre

Publishers Summary:

Here's your 40-day plan for reclaiming your life

Do you feel too busy? Do you worry about the future? Do disappointments in life drain your joy? It doesn't have to be that way! In What Happened to My Life? personal life coach and speaker Danna Demetre invites you to join her on a 40-day journey where you'll learn to

  • slow down and make good choices
  • reinterpret life and have more realistic expectations
  • choose the very best from all the good
  • pursue God in a life-changing way

Whether you're dealing with a crisis or simply feeling that life is not all you'd hoped for, you'll learn to find authentic contentment and joy regardless of your circumstances.

It's time to move from simply surviving to truly thriving once again!

My Thoughts:

This book felt like 2 books in 1. Which was a nice surprise. The first section of the book is a fantastic introduction discussing habits, contentment, among other stories that were easy to identify with. The back half of the book is essentially a 40 day journey complete with a bible verse, short story or devotional-like section, followed by prayer and space for a guided journalling of those prayers or the talking points for the day.

This was a great read for me at a point in life where I am trying to be more intentional with time, resources, while pursuing God in a manner that would allow him to change me as necessary.

Available now at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

No More Christian Nice Girl Review

No More Christian Nice Girl: When Just Being Nice - Instead of Good - Hurts You, Your Family, and Your Friends Review
Authors: Paul Coughlin & Jennifer D. Degler

Publishers Summary:

Be the Strong, Confident, and Caring Woman You Were Meant to Be

Tired of doing all you can for others while your relationships remain stuck in neutral--or headed in reverse? Paul Coughlin and psychologist Jennifer Degler show how being nice can harm you and drain the life out of your relationships. They explore the keys to fulfillment at home, work, church, and even in the bedroom. You'll discover that emulating the real Jesus is the key to transforming from a Christian Nice Girl into an authentic, powerful woman of loving faith.

My Thoughts:

Are you a yes woman? One who always says YES to everything regardless of whether or not you want to do it, have time or energy to do it? This book will appeal not only that type of lady, but also anyone who has a tendency to be "NICE" sometimes while sacrificing your own wants. I choose to read this book in order of the chapters that appealed to me. So I read it a bit out of order and enjoyed it that way. So it's one of those books that if you need a bit of added courage/advice from a non-judgemental friend, pick it up and jump to the chapter where you want to be that Strong, Confident, Caring Woman God created you to be and not just the YES Lady. Personally I know I'll be headed back to the chapter on Dating soon. The ones on Family and Relationships and Work were also interesting. The appendix at the back citing examples where Jesus wasn't always nice and gentle, but often assertive and firm was a nice addition.

Available now at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Plan B by: Pete Wilson Review

The layout and cover design of this book made me want to pick up this book and read it. The eye appealing cover art as well as the strategically placed note advising the reader there is a study guide included were both fantastic. "Plan B" by Pete Wilson challenged me. I've been a Christian for a few years. Still holding onto the dream of meeting and marrying the guy of my dreams I'd found myself at a place where I didn't see the next step. I felt as though I'd somehow hit the pause button as life continued to carry on. Reading the examples and the Bible stories Pete shared throughout his book, encouraged me to begin taking steps towards other dreams that for various reasons I had put on hold. I would recommend this book to both Christians as well as those who are looking for something. While waiting for my copy of this book to arrive, I began to Follow @PWilson on Twitter. His honesty and sincere attitude made me more excited to open this book. This is one of those books I know I will read again and again.

Publisher's Synopsis

Learn how God often does His best work in our most hopeless situations.

What do you do when a shattered dream or an unmet expectation causes you to turn to Plan B? Pastor and author Pete Wilson uses real life stories of disappointments and tragedy along with biblical stories such as David, Joseph, and Ruth to help readers face their own overwhelming situations and through them to learn God is working to help them surrender their plans to receive His. He identifies our common responses to difficulties and offers hope, helping us to

Understand what God might be up to See how surrender helps us to receive God's plan Embrace the community of believers Reconcile a God of love with a life of tragedy and suffering Wilson points readers to the cross as not just the starting line but the centerpiece of our stories with God where we turn in our Plan B and find the undeniable relationship between crisis and true spiritual transformation.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

In Harm's Way by: Irene Hannon (Part of Heroes of Quantico Series)

Publisher's Synopsis:

How can she expect anyone to believe her--when she can hardly believe it herself?
FBI special agent Nick Bradley has seen his share of kooks during his fifteen years with the Bureau. But Rachel Sutton is an enigma. She seems normal when she shows up at his office--until she produces a tattered Raggedy Ann doll and tells him about a strange feeling of terror it gives her when she touches it. Nick dismisses her, only to stumble across a link between the doll and an abducted child, setting in motion a chain of events that uncovers startling connections--and puts Rachel's life on the line.

Filled with palpable suspense and heartwarming romance, In Harm's Way is the final installment of the thrilling Heroes of Quantico series.

My Thoughts ....

I really enjoy Romantic Suspense Fiction Novels. Irene Hannon's recent "In Harm's Way," the third and final book in her Heroes of Quantico series, was full of twists and turns and is sure not to disappoint. I have not had the opportunity to read the first two books in this series, I felt the character development was sufficient to read this book as a stand-alone novel. I am planning on locating the previous two books in the series to read for my next vacation. I found the story surrounding the poor Raggedy Ann doll draws you in more. Personally it brought up many childhood memories which made me question if Rachel was simply re-living her childhood memories when touching the doll. To find out what happens, you'll have to visit your favourite bookseller and pick up a copy of In Harm's Way for yourself.

Available from your favorite bookseller of Revell Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Rick and Bubba's Big Honkin' Book of Grub Review, Book by: Rick Burgess and Bill Bussey

Not having had the privilege of knowing who Rick & Bubba were, I was expecting this book to be extra motivation to get ready to fire up the grill. After accepting the reality that this was not a full blown cook book, but rather an easy to read book chopped full of food related comedic reference along with a dozen or so recipes. One of the recipes to definitely try is the BBQ Sauce. I will say one of my favourite parts of this book was "Top Ten Reasons Why There Will Be Potluck In Heaven."
After reading this book, I realized that I may not be the target audience of this book, but my brother would love it so I passed it onto him, and he loved it. He likes the easy to read books that are not your standard fare. Anyone interested in a good laugh may enjoy this book, but be aware, read the publisher's synopsis, this is not a full-scale cookbook.
Publisher's Synopsis:
In Rick and Bubba’s Big Honkin’ Book of Grub, America’s sexiest fat men share wise observations and stories about grub as only they can tell them.

Rick and Bubba’s Big Honkin’ Book of Grub is exactly what a diet/recipe book should be—full of hilarious stories, good eating, and not a single mention of calories! New York Times bestselling authors Rick and Bubba are not ashamed to admit they eat for one reason and one reason only: they like the way food tastes. With family recipes from their wives Sherri and Betty (who have been keeping these two in grub for years) as well as the winning recipes from the Rick and Bubba Big Honkin’ recipe contest, this book is a keeper. So pull up a chair, grab a fork, and enjoy!

A Distant Melody Review book by Sarah Sundin (Historical Fiction)

Not being a huge historical fiction fan, I embarked upon reading this book and was taken on what felt like an amazing journey. This book is the author's first and she has done an exceptional job. I can't wait to read her future books. This attempt at historical fiction is not your traditional Victorian Era or Prairie Life book that many historical fiction fans are accustomed to reading. This has the excitement of flying high in bomber planes that our dedicated war veterans may have experienced. The story takes place during the war and encompasses friendship and a sweet love story along with a few unexpected challenges. The author draws you in and challenges you emotionally and spiritually. For these reasons alone, I loved this book. Want to know more? I guess you will have to pick it up and read it for yourself. Happy Reading!

Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group".

Publishers’ Synopsis:

Will a chance meeting in a time of war change her life forever?

Never pretty enough to please her gorgeous mother, Allie will do anything to gain her approval--even marry a man she doesn't love. While Allie has nearly resigned herself to that fate, Lt. Walter Novak--fearless in the cockpit but hopeless with women--takes his last furlough at home in California before being shipped overseas.

Walt and Allie meet and begin a correspondence that will change their lives. As letters fly between Walt's muddy bomber base in England and Allie's mansion in an orange grove, their friendship binds them together. But can they untangle the secrets, commitments, and expectations that keep them apart?

Book 1 in the Wings of Glory series, A Distant Melody is an exciting and tender story of love, courage, and sacrifice during World War II.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Veggie Tales DVD - Pistachio: The Little Boy That Woodn't Review

Veggie Tales DVD - Pistachio: The Little Boy That Woodn't Review

If you are a fan of Veggie Tales, this episode will not let you down. If you are new to Veggie Tales let me tell you, you are in for a treat. So grab your family and friends, some popcorn and a comfortable spot on the couch and enjoy.

As expected the animation is superb. The stick in your head songs are a pure delight. In this adventure you along with Pistachio (inspired by Pinocchio) learns the story and application of the Bible parable of the lost sheep. We see the importance of the one and also the importance of telling the truth.

Hope you enjoy the story of Pistachio as my as me and my friends did. I would give Pistachio 5/5 stars!

DVD has been provided courtesy of David C Cook and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available now at your local Christian retailer.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Vertical Self by Mark Sayers - Review

The Vertical Self Review

I am surprised how confident in certain areas I have become lately. The book reminds us to look for our true self, our true character. Hanging personal artwork in my house . Confidently going in the direction of my dreams mean while focusing on our relationship with God. The book reminds and challenges us to look to God to find ourselves. This book is a well written challenge to live your life in the image of Christ that you were to created for.

This is one of those books I look forward to reading again next time with a group who will encourage and challenge me. The discussion questions at the back of the book lend well for that purpose.

This book was provided courtesy of Thomson publishing and I personally recommend you check this book out.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Beguiled by Deeanne Gist, J. Mark Bertrand) Review

Beguiled by Deeanne Gist, J. Mark Bertrand) (Mystery Fiction) Review

Having never been to Charlestown, the authors effectively set the back drop of the scene as well as explain the quirks of southern charm.

I loved this book. It's mystery, suspense and romanticism combined proved to be a great mix to get and keep my attention. As the characters are introduced, the story, the mystery draws you in. I found it difficult to put this book down.

Having not read a fictional romantic suspense novel in a long time this book proved to be a Great entry into that category.

After reading the book, you may be Interested in using this book for your book club? Remember to check out the publisher's website for a sampling of discussion questions.

Available now at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

Book is courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications Inc.

Swinging on a Star by Janice Thompson Review

Swinging on a Star by Janice Thompson Review

This is book two in "The Weddings by Bella" series. Although I did not read the first book in the series, "Fools Rush In," it will be my next book purchase. Being the second book in a series, it is not necessary to have read the first book in order to enjoy and understand this book. Swinging on a star offers a glimpse into an unique wedding planners life as well as her romantic life.

I found this book humourous, insightful, and it's focus on relationships reminded me to stop recognize what God is trying to demonstrate to me in my own life through events and people around me. This book made me wish I was positioned to plan my wedding.

So grab a copy of this book, a group of your closest frends and a copy of the discussion questions from the publisher's website for an instant bookclub where you will learn as much about yourself as you will of those around you.

I would definately recommend this book to anyone looking for a light- hearted romance book.

Available now at your favourite bookseller from Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group.

Book is courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications Inc.

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Gospel According to Lost, by Chris Seay Review

Ok I admit it, up until recently I never really understood or followed the TV show LOST on ABC. However many friends and coworkers could not get enough of the mysterious show which generally leaves you with more questions than answers each week.

Recently I had the privilege of reading Chris Sealy's book the gospel according to LOST. After merely reading the publishers synopsis I was inspired to seek out the first season of LOST on DVD and begin the journey that many LOST fans have been on for a few seasons now.

The parallels and symbolism explained with respect to the gods word encourages you to use LOST as a Mechanism to share your faith as well as see normal everyday things and events as events to share God's word.

From the beginning I was challenged. Following LOST, you become connected and drawn toward a cast of strangers who were composed of a surgeon with addiction problems, a murderer, a con man, a junkie, a lottery winner and an Iraqi soldier. The book expands on each character. It challenged me to consider the people whom I surround myself. None of them would be accepted as characters on LOST. It encouraged me to expand my circle of friends to allow "the others" in.

One word of warning if you are a few seasons behind there may be a few secrets revealed in this book. You may want to finish watching season 5 before reading this book.
Currently available at your favourite bookseller.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Hidden Flame by: Davis Bunn and Janette Oke

My first read of 2010 that was actually published this year. Such a great book to begin the year with. The Hidden Flame by: Davis Bunn and co-authored by Canadian author, Janette Oke who has written many historical fiction books thru the years but this was my first experience reading such a genre by choice. The scene of the book is quickly set at the beginning, my mind begins to race as to where abouts in the bible the story is happening.

The story draws you in. The vivid descriptions take you there. Envisioning the city, the dangers that seem so far removed from today's "Western" world brings you to a new place. Being encouraged by one woman's faith and reminded that love is present in many forms when faced with challenges and turmoil.

Synopsis provided by the publisher:

In first-century Judea, the followers of the Way have burgeoned into a vibrant, growing community that cannot be ignored. Jerusalem is in turmoil as its religious leaders on one side, and their Roman rulers on the other, conspire to stamp out the fledgling Church. And Abigail, who thought she had finally found home and safety, is caught between the opposing forces.
Two suitors desire the lovely Abigail's hand in marriage. Ezra, a successful Hebrew merchant and widower with important connections among the Sanhedrin, is looking for a mother for his children. The Roman soldier Linux is fascinated by her winsome charm and possibly could offer the sanctuary--maybe even the love--for which she yearns. But her heart has been captured by neither of these. Will her faith and courage survive a heartbreak beyond comprehension as the followers face a gathering storm of persecution they never could have foreseen?
A glimmer of hope beckons Abigail forward•.

**Available now at your at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group

Thursday, January 28, 2010

50 Ways to Feel Great Today by: David B. Biebel DMin and James E. Dill MD and Bobbie Dill RN

A new year a fresh start. A new set of goals. 50 Ways to Feel Great Today: Keys to Beating Stress, Worry, and the Blues is chopped full of 50 suggestions to cater toward taking care of your mind, body and spirit thru simple, low/no cost activities/exercises.

While it is great to have A read through these simple suggestions directed towards boosting your mood, what may prove to be more valuable is to have this book available within arms reach for those times in this coming year where you may find yourself to be feeling a little blah or when winter seems to be never ending.

In terms of a fresh start Revell proudly displays a green press initiative logo just beyond the cover meaning the book was printed on 30% post consumer waste. A simple thing, yet often overlooked.

With so many different pressures it is nice to be reminded of the simple things. Many people at work are stressed out over work, family, financial responsibilities that it is easy to get sucked along for the ride and hop on the stress bandwagon.

While immersed in stressful situations people forget how to deal with it. This book is easy to pick up and find a way to help alleviate the stress or perhaps the negative way in which you were dealing with it.

Synopsis from publisher:

We all feel stressed, worried, or anxious at one time or another. Sometimes our circumstances, and even things that are out of our control, can wreak havoc on our spirits. Changing how we feel often begins with a small thing. Listening to a beautiful song. Enjoying a sunset. Making a happy memory. This unique book helps you discover how to beat stress, ward off worry, and banish the blues.

50 Ways to Feel Great Today offers medically and scientifically sound advice for giving a blah mood the boot. These time-tested ideas are simple and often low or no cost. While no "happy" pill exists, the activities in this book let you become your own helping hand.
Why not give one a try today? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

**Available now at your at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.