Thursday, January 28, 2010

50 Ways to Feel Great Today by: David B. Biebel DMin and James E. Dill MD and Bobbie Dill RN

A new year a fresh start. A new set of goals. 50 Ways to Feel Great Today: Keys to Beating Stress, Worry, and the Blues is chopped full of 50 suggestions to cater toward taking care of your mind, body and spirit thru simple, low/no cost activities/exercises.

While it is great to have A read through these simple suggestions directed towards boosting your mood, what may prove to be more valuable is to have this book available within arms reach for those times in this coming year where you may find yourself to be feeling a little blah or when winter seems to be never ending.

In terms of a fresh start Revell proudly displays a green press initiative logo just beyond the cover meaning the book was printed on 30% post consumer waste. A simple thing, yet often overlooked.

With so many different pressures it is nice to be reminded of the simple things. Many people at work are stressed out over work, family, financial responsibilities that it is easy to get sucked along for the ride and hop on the stress bandwagon.

While immersed in stressful situations people forget how to deal with it. This book is easy to pick up and find a way to help alleviate the stress or perhaps the negative way in which you were dealing with it.

Synopsis from publisher:

We all feel stressed, worried, or anxious at one time or another. Sometimes our circumstances, and even things that are out of our control, can wreak havoc on our spirits. Changing how we feel often begins with a small thing. Listening to a beautiful song. Enjoying a sunset. Making a happy memory. This unique book helps you discover how to beat stress, ward off worry, and banish the blues.

50 Ways to Feel Great Today offers medically and scientifically sound advice for giving a blah mood the boot. These time-tested ideas are simple and often low or no cost. While no "happy" pill exists, the activities in this book let you become your own helping hand.
Why not give one a try today? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

**Available now at your at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.