Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Love & Respect Experience Review, Book by: Emerson Eggerichs

The Love & Respect Experience

A Husband-Friendly Devotional that Wives Truly Love

From the Publisher: 
A Devotional Unlike Any Other! Through the millions of products sold on Love & Respect, Emerson Eggerichs has transformed marriages around the world with his biblically based approach to understanding the love that she most desires and the respect that he desperately needs. Now, in this long-awaited release, Emerson has created an experience for couples that is effective, flexible and life-changing.

To build this couples devotional, Eggerichs has taken the top concerns that surfaced in a survey of thousands of couples and has developed 52 devotionals around the three cycles that are at the heart of Love and Respect. On one occasion the couple will be talking about how to stop the Crazy Cycle or keep it at bay. The very next devotional will talk about a concept built upon the Rewarded Cycle, which stresses the ultimate purpose for marriage. And the next may have both people talking about ways to use the Energizing Cycle in their efforts to love and respect each other.

Some may ask, “Why 52 and not 365, like other couples devotionals I have seen?” The author’s research shows that married couples don’t want to deal with that much material, that often.  Therefore, the specific devotionals, which can be done weekly or at any chosen pace, are specifically guided to what couples say they most need.  And this is a husband-friendly devotional, having been written and designed in such a way that the husband can feel comfortable in the entire process.

With this wealth of new material and video devotionals available online to support the product, The Love & Respect Experience will be indispensable to anyone wishing to better their marital relationship.

My Thoughts: 
Just picking this book up, you know it was designed for a man. The gorgeous two-toned leather-soft cover screams "PICK-ME-UP!" and "Read me!" Each of the 52 devotionals are the perfect length -- short! Definitely great for your non-avid, force me to read a book guy or simply for the busy couple. Each chapter begins with a bible verse, a short story, followed by a prayer and action points, the action points includes the page reference to check out the related discussion questions at the end of the book.

Chapter 11 shares an insight, I haven't been able to forget, "Her pink + his blue = God's Purple." You'll have to get the book to hear the whole story. While I may not be married yet. I do seek to be prepared once I am, the above equation is something I'll remember. This book would make a great present to any new couple.

Want to know more about the whole Love & Respect Experience, check out the author's blog: or check out the Love & Respect Website:

Book has been provided courtesy of Thomas Nelson and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Available at your favourite bookseller from Thomas Nelson.