Saturday, February 12, 2011

This is Your Brain in Love Review. Book by Earl Henslin

This is Your Brain in Love Review.
Book by Earl Henslin

From the Publisher:
Learn the secrets of proactive passion.

Using the latest in brain research, This Is Your Brain in Love helps couples become Master Level Lovers by encouraging each mate to bring their healthiest, most balanced and joyful self to their marriage.

Dr. Henslin speaks to the vital connection between spirituality and sexuality. He identifies the five types of lovers, with ground-breaking insights and effective solutions for the challenges presented by each:

* Scattered Lover
* Over-focused Lover
* Blue Mood Lover
* Agitated Lover
* Anxious Lover

Filled with relatable stories and humor, this is not your boring brain book! Engaging and practical, Dr. Henslin provides an amazingly accurate, scientifically-based brain test to help spot typical brain imbalances. (And yes, most everyone has at least one!)

Bonus material offers brain-researched strategies and new hope for women dealing with hormones and men struggling with sexual addictions.

My Thoughts:

This book was an easy read, not blogged down with too much brain science research. Dr. Henslin weaved humour and examples while sharing some of his findings from his research. With tables and bullets and mini-quizzes it is easy to find things throughout this book. I appreciated the 10 tips for each type of lover - tips for yourself or tips to help your loved one. He provided quizzes to help you identify which kind of lover you are - Scattered, Over-focused, Blue Mood, Agitated, or Anxious. While reading this book I was reminded of the importance to take care of my physical, emotional and spiritual self. I will hang onto this book and read again when my relationship needs some help.

The wonderful folks at Thomas Nelson provided me with a complimentary copy of this book through